Breaking ground for the Dream Centre at Chailey Heritage School. Photo courtesy of Chailey Heritage Foundation.
A significant percentage of the grants awarded are made on a one-off basis for capital purposes such as the purchase or construction of new premises, the extension, redevelopment or refurbishment of property, or the purchase of equipment and vehicles. Most other grants are directed towards specific projects which will meet a clearly defined and demonstrable need within the applicant charity’s beneficiary/client group which cannot be met from statutory sources. Evidence of longer-term sustainability, potential for replicability & partnership working are important factors in the Trustees’ decision-making.
You should refer to the guidance on each of the individual Trusts’ website pages before making an application. Although there are some areas of overlap, each trust has its own distinct interests and grant-making criteria.
Project funding may be offered on a one-off basis or phased, often on a tapering basis, over a three-year period. While the Trusts do not make grants towards core operational costs, the Trustees do recognise that securing funding for such costs can be a particular challenge. Applicants should, therefore, include a reasonable level of management costs to cover overheads in their project budget.
Please visit our FAQs page for answers to the most commonly asked questions about the Laing Family Trusts grant-making criteria.