Engaging with young people at Christian activity centres. Photo courtesy of Fellowship Afloat Charitable Trust.
There is no pro-forma application form but we do ask applicants to download and complete an application cover sheet, which is available on completion of the eligibility quiz. The link to the quiz is at bottom of this page.
The application cover sheet should be accompanied by a covering letter and concise project proposal, about 3 - 4 pages in length, which should include the following information:
You also need to enclose with your application:
You may also like to provide a list of other supporting documents available on request e.g. business plan, architect’s drawings etc.
Please visit our FAQs page for answers to the most commonly asked questions about applying to the Laing Family Trusts.
Please complete the eligibility quiz, download our cover sheet and post your full project proposal, including all requested information, to The Laing Family Trusts. Please note that we do not accept applications by email. Due to the large number of applications received, we are unable to acknowledge receipt of applications.